Love Struck Read online

Page 2

  The band starts playing, and despite my best efforts my gaze once again lands on Ryker. It’s like he’s got some type of pull on me, I swear. When Beckett starts singing, Ryker throws me a wink. Heat creeps up my neck and spills across my cheeks. Star does a great job even though she’s been put on the spot, and the chemistry between she and Beckett almost lights everyone in the room on fire. I’m actually surprised when I look around and find us all unscathed, no burning flesh anywhere.

  While the guys in the band put away their instruments, I expect Star to hightail it off stage. Only she doesn’t. She hangs back and starts talking with Beckett. I watch them from where I sit at the round table. All around me, people are standing and saying their goodbyes. It seems that the place is now winding down.

  “Hey.” A voice startles me.

  I peer up, my stomach tumbling to the floor at the sight of Ryker standing in front of me, his fingers shoved deep in the pocket of his tight jeans. “Hey. Um…you guys were great.”

  “Thanks. I’m glad you came.”

  I’m about to tell him that it was all Star’s idea, but then think better of it. “Yeah, me too.” I wave my hand, indicating the empty chair that Star was sitting in moments ago. “Wanna sit? I mean, you must be tired from playing and everything. You looked pretty intense up there.” Seriously, why am I babbling like an idiot? Pull yourself together, Lola.

  Ryker smiles, a little dimple forming on his right cheek. It’s so cute I almost sigh aloud. “Sounds good.” He pulls the chair out and it scrapes along the ground like nails on a chalkboard. Then he slides into it, his unfamiliar scent washing over me and causing my pulse to spike. It’s a mixture of mint, leather, sweat, and cheap musky cologne. I’m used to dating guys who smell like the cologne counter of an expensive department store, and it’s such a turn off. Nothing about Ryker is a turn off right now.

  “So what was that all about?” I bob my head toward Star and Beckett who appear to be engaged in an intense conversation on the stage. “He doesn’t want her in his band but he wants her to sing with him? I don’t get it.”

  “Beckett’s a little complicated,” he says nonchalantly.

  “What about you?” I lean over, resting my elbows on the slick table. “Are you complicated?”

  “Nah, I’m pretty much an open book. What you see is what you get.”

  Even though I don’t know Ryker at all, I trust what he’s saying. He gives off the whole good boy vibe. I get the feeling that if he weren’t a musician he’d be this non-assuming country boy. “I’m glad. I don’t do complicated.”

  A smile breaks out on his face that is so bright it’s like the sun rose right here in this room. “I knew there was something else I liked about you other than the obvious.”

  “The obvious?” I raise a brow. Glasses clink together from somewhere over my shoulder, chatting and light laughter settle around us.

  “Yeah.” Ryker winks. “Surely you don’t need me to tell you that you’re pretty much the most gorgeous girl in the world.”

  I fear that my entire face has turned bright crimson. My mouth drops, and I have no idea what to say. I’ve been told I’m pretty before. Dozens of times, in fact, but never like that.

  “If you keep looking so shocked I’m going to assume you are an actress. There’s no way that someone as beautiful as you can be surprised by my statement.” His gaze sweeps the room. “I think every guy in here has been eyeing you since you walked in. In fact, I bet they’re all wondering what the hell you’re doing talking to me.” He leans forward, an expectant look on his face. “I’m kinda wondering the same thing.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be talking to you? Don’t you know that rockstars are total babe magnets?”

  “Yes, but generally the girls that come out to our shows are into Beckett. See for yourself.”

  I look up to see a gaggle of girls primping near the stage, all staring up wide eyed at Beckett. It turns my stomach. “Well, I’m not like those girls. And frankly, I don’t care what every other guy in this place thinks about me talking to you, because I’m not interested in any of those guys, or Beckett for that matter.”

  Ryker licks his lips, and my eyes linger a little too long on them. “That’s good, because I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since we met the other night.”

  My breath hitches in my throat at his boldness. This whole conversation has been like that. The volley back and forth has been so natural, so flirtatious, almost like we’ve known each other for awhile.

  “Go out with me, Lola?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” I bat my lashes and speak in my best southern drawl.

  “So you are an actress then?”

  I shake my head. “No. Trust me. Nothing about tonight has been an act.”



  “What a weird night,” Pierce says after taking a swig from his can of soda. He stretches his legs out, propping his bare feet up on the armrest of the couch. His jeans are torn, his t-shirt wrinkled.

  “Yeah, weird,” I agree, grabbing a soda out of the fridge and then slamming it shut. Soda is pretty much the only item we have in our fridge right now. Pierce and I share a two-bedroom apartment just a few miles from the college campus, and on our meager incomes we don’t live in the lap of luxury. All of our furniture came from our parents and we have not decorated at all. Well, unless you count the few rock n’ roll posters taped to the wall. Yes, I said taped, but I used clear so you can hardly notice it. At least Pierce has a real job. He works at a local coffee shop a few mornings a week. I’m a full time college student, so my financial aid and college loans are footing the bill right now. Of course, this is my last year and then I’ll have to figure out what to do. I’m hoping by then I’ll be making enough money with my music to do it full time.

  “I mean, first Beckett invites that chick up on stage after treating her like shit at rehearsal last week.” Pierce shakes his head, his brown hair flopping from side to side. “And then you get a date with that super hot chick. What happened? Did we enter the Twilight Zone or something?”

  I slap his legs, shoving them off the couch so I can sit. In my fist I hold the cold soda, and it sweats in my palm. Pierce’s legs slide off the couch and he sits up. I plop down on the couch and give him a teasing look. “Is it really that surprising that Lola agreed to go out with me?”

  “The truth? Yeah, it is.”

  “Oh, you’re one to talk. When was the last time you had a date?”

  “Low blow, man.” He holds up his hands exposing his palms.

  I chuckle, running a hand over my head. “It is odd, though, about Star.” My stomach twists remembering the awed look Star held when Beckett asked her to sing with him. It’s clear that she likes him. It’s written all over her face. “Beckett offered her the backup singer spot in the band tonight too. Did you know that?”

  “No shit?” Pierce spews soda out of his mouth and it sprays in my face.

  “Dude, really? Try to swallow before speaking next time.” I wipe my cheek.

  “Sorry,” Pierce mumbles. “I just don’t get it. He made it pretty clear that he didn’t want her in the band the other night.”

  “I don’t get it either.” There’s something bizarre going on for sure. Beckett doesn’t usually change his mind, especially when it comes to girls. I hope he doesn’t want to sleep with Star. I know exactly how that will end if he does. The whole thing makes me nervous. I mean, Star is Lola’s best friend, and if Beckett messes with her I’m afraid that Lola won’t want to see me again. She knows that Beckett and I are good friends. At least we used to be. Things have been a little strained between us lately.

  We became friends when we were little kids. I was enamored with him for many reasons. One was because his dad is Barry Nash, and he was the lead singer of a well known band named Killjoy. Also Beckett’s a great musician. He was the first person to really see my musical potential. Back then we used to talk about growing up and becoming famous rock
stars. But as the years went on, Beckett turned cold and distant. I know why, but that doesn’t make it any easier to take.

  All I know is that I don’t want him to hurt Star. Not just because of how badly I want to go out with Lola, but also because I know Beckett will beat himself up for the rest of his life if he does. She’s innocent and sweet, not the type of girl Beckett usually hooks up with. She’s the kind of girl Beckett feels protective of. That’s why I was surprised that he was so mean to her the first night they met. A thought strikes me. Maybe Beckett truly likes this girl. Perhaps that’s why he’s acting so strange. If that’s the case, I really hope they end up together. If they do, it’s possible she’ll soften him – turn him into the guy he used to be.

  “So, when are you and hotstuff going out?” Pierce interrupts my thoughts.

  “Please don’t call her that. That makes her sound cheap, and that doesn’t describe Lola. She’s classy, man.”

  “Wow.” Pierce raises a bushy brow. “You’re really into this one, huh?”

  “Have you seen her?”

  “Yeah, okay, I get it,” he says with a nod.

  “I think I’ll probably call her tomorrow and set something up.” I feel a pressing on my chest. “I’m just kinda nervous, because she seems like the kind of girl who’s used to the finer things in life. I can’t really offer her that.”

  “It’s not like you’re gonna marry the chick. You’re just taking her out on a date,” Pierce points out.

  “Yeah, but I can’t afford to take her anywhere nice on our date, Pierce.”

  He shrugs. “If she’s that uppity you don’t want to date her anyway.”

  I bite my lip, mulling over his words. The sad thing is that even if she is that uppity I’ll still want to date her. I don’t think there’s anything that girl could do to make me not want to go out with her - desperately. I shake my head. Man, I’ve really got it bad.

  With clumsy, trembling fingers I dial Lola’s number. My heart is thumping so loudly I can feel it pulsing through my ears. Wiping my free hand on my jeans, I marvel at how nervous I am. It’s not like I never date. I go out sometimes - never anything serious, but a dinner or movie here and there. Music is precedent in my life, so relationships take a backseat. At least that’s what I tell people. The truth is, my only serious relationship ended really badly. After what happened with Fiona, I haven’t wanted to take the plunge again. Lola makes me want to dive in, no matter the consequence.

  “Hello,” her crisp, clear voice comes on the line.

  I swallow thickly. “Hey…um…Lola? It’s Ryker. Do you remember me? We met the other night at open mic night?”

  Giggling fills my ears. “Of course I remember you, Ryker.”

  “Well, great. I was just…you know…wondering if you wanted to go out this week. I mean, I know you’re probably busy, but-”

  "I’d love to go out this week.”

  “Oh.” Sweat is literally drenching my shirt, and I fan out my armpits. A shower is definitely happening when I hang up. “Okay. Tomorrow night?”

  “Looking forward to it.”

  After working out the details, I hang up my phone and sink down onto the couch. The apartment is quiet since Pierce is at work. A smile breaks out on my lips. I have a date with the hottest girl I’ve ever seen tomorrow night. It seems too good to be true.



  “Where is Ryker taking you?” Star turns around in the chair from where she sits at the desk doing homework. She leans her chin on the top of the chair, her ponytail swishing behind her head like a pendulum.

  “Don’t know.” I lean down, slipping on my high heels. A black curl slips over my shoulder and my large hoop earrings brush against my neck. “I hope it’s somewhere exciting. I’m tired of guys taking me to stuffy restaurants. I want to have some fun.”

  “Lola Vega? Did I just hear you correctly?” Star raises a brow. “I thought you liked being taken to expensive restaurants.”

  I sit up, crossing one slender leg over the other. “No, that’s not what I want. It’s what my dad expects. But my dad isn’t here, so now I can do what I want.”

  “This is a Lola I’m unfamiliar with.” Star’s forehead scrunches up in a look of confusion.

  I stand up. “Well, then, I’d like to introduce you to Seattle Lola.”

  Star giggles. “Nice to meet you, Seattle Lola. So tell me. How are you different from California Lola?”

  I sweep my arms out in a big circle doing my best attempt at being silly. “Seattle Lola is more carefree.”

  “Really?” Star gives me a challenging look, and I cringe wondering what she’s going to do. “Meaning that Seattle Lola won’t mind if I do this?” She gathers up some candy wrappers from her desk and tosses them on the floor. They land scattered over the carpet, and a few chocolate crumbs escape from one of them. It causes a chill to break out over my body. I can’t stand it another minute, so I bend over and start frantically picking them up.

  “Didn’t think so.” Star chuckles, slipping out of her chair and joining me in my clean-up effort.

  Once we’ve carefully gotten all the wrappers and crumbs, I stand up. “Okay, so maybe I’m not completely carefree.”

  Star groans with dramatic exaggeration, flinging herself back down in her chair. “I knew it was too good to be true.” She turns back around, hunching over her homework. “I have a feeling only Ryker will reap the benefits of this new Lola.”

  “Shut up,” I say in a joking manner, flicking my fingers against her arm. After snatching up my purse, I reach inside and pull out my red lipstick. I just finished swiping it over my lips when I hear a knock at the door. Glancing down at my simple black dress and high heels, I’m hoping I dressed correctly. Reaching forward, I yank open the dorm room door. Ryker stands before me, wearing black jeans and a leather jacket over his white t-shirt, his hair perfectly tousled.

  “You look gorgeous.” His dark eyes rove over my body, and I warm at his words.

  “Thank you.” I glance over at Star. “See ya later, Star.”

  “Have fun,” she calls over her shoulder as she scrawls in her notebook, the pencil whispering over the paper.

  I step into the hall, closing the door behind us. Ryker’s musky scent sweeps over me, causing my pulse to spike. We walk down the hall so close together that our shoulders brush occasionally. My palms moisten, so I shake them out discreetly at my sides. When we step outside a cool gust of wind smacks me in the face, and I shiver.

  “You cold?” Ryker asks, a look of concern on his face.

  I nod. “I should’ve worn something warmer. Still not used to the weather here.”

  “Wanna wear my jacket?” He starts to shed his black leather jacket.

  I put up my arm to stop him, stunned by his chivalrous nature. “No. I don’t want to take your jacket. I’ll be fine.”

  “May I?” He asks, his arm hovering over my shoulders. “At least let me warm you with my body then.”

  Surprised that he even bothered to ask, I give him a smile and nod. His arm circles around me and I nestled into him, sighing. I’ve never had a guy ask if he could simply put his arm around me, and I find it so endearing. It makes me wonder if there is more to this sexy musician than I thought.

  “Where are you from?” He asks as we make our way across the darkened parking lot. A car zips past, its headlights illuminating the space around it. A few girls giggle as they hurry toward the dorms.

  “California,” I answer.

  “That explains it,” he says. “I bet it’s sunny all the time there.”

  “I’m from Northern California, so it can get cold, just not like here.”

  He stops in front of a little Honda, and pulls his keys out of his pocket. Out of the corner of my eye I see a couple kissing against a vehicle a few rows over.

  “This is your car?” I raise one eyebrow, assessing the car we’re standing in front of.


  “It just doesn�
��t seem very rockstarish.”

  Ryker leans against the car, an amused smile on his face. His shirt rides up, exposing the lower part of his stomach, which is, just as I suspected, rock hard and taut with muscles. A satisfied sigh lodges in my throat. “And what kind of car would you deem rockstarish?”

  I shrug. “Don’t know. Maybe a van. Don’t all rockstars drive vans?”

  Ryker chuckles . It’s a deep, low, raspy chuckle that causes my hair to stand on end. This guy has no idea how incredibly sexy he is. “God, I hope not, because I never plan to buy a van.” He pops open the passenger door. “Ready?”

  I bite my lip while allowing him to guide me inside. I’m grateful for the warmth of the car as I slide into the seat. I rub my frigid palms together in an effort to thaw. My fingers are red and chapped. While Ryker gets in, I reach into my purse and pull out my hand lotion. After applying a generous amount, I rub it in, savoring the rich feel and sweet scent. Ryker starts the car, and heat spills from the vents.

  Once we pull out of the parking lot, I turn to Ryker. “Where are we going?” He probably wants it to be a surprise, but I can’t stand not knowing things. The thought of the unknown practically chokes me to death.

  “There’s a nice steakhouse very close by.”

  I exhale, slumping slightly in my seat. “Oh, ok.” What is it about me that screams stuffy restaurant? Glancing down at my outfit, I decide that maybe it’s time to dumb down my wardrobe. Maybe I’ll have Star take me to one of those thrift stores she likes to shop at or something. I scratch the top of my arm, and realize that just the thought of wearing used clothes is making me break out in hives. Okay, scratch that. But at least I can go to one of the discount clothing stores in the mall instead of shopping at my normal boutiques.

  “Unless you’d rather hit up this club downtown. My friend’s band is playing.” Ryker is looking at me expectantly, trying to gauge my reaction. “But it’s totally up to you.”